Terra Caribbean - Blog

Special Development Areas Act

Friday, September 07, 2018 | By Terra Caribbean
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The Special Development Areas Act sets out
the designation of special development areas and provides relief for approved developers constructing or improving a building or structure in those areas and to persons financing such work (other than a commercial bank).

The activities that an approved developer may carry out are:

  1. Hotels including conference areas; 

  2. Residential complexes; 

  3. Commercial or industrial buildings including office 

  4. Other tourism facilities; 

  5. Water-based activities; 

  6. Tourism projects highlighting heritage and natural 

  7. Arts and cultural investments; and 

  8. Agricultural-based activities. 

Exemptions & Allowances

Approved developers are exempt from:

  • Import duties and VAT on inputs for the construction or renovation of buildings and refurbishment of existing buildings. 

  • Charges on repatriation of interest (for a period of 10 years), 

  • Land tax on the improved value of the land 

  • Property transfer tax payable by vendors on the initial 
purchase of the property whether national or non-national 

Persons financing such work are exempt from: 

• Income tax on interest earned on loans to approved developer.


  • An approved developer pays Corporate Income Tax (CIT) at the rate of 15% 

  • Is granted initial allowances of 40% and annual allowances of 6% on industrial buildings 

  • Is granted initial allowances of 20% and annual allowances of 4% on commercial buildings. 


The areas which are currently defined as development areas:

  1. Carlisle Bay Redevelopment area in St. Michael; 

    1. Speightstown in St. Peter; 

    2. St. Lawrence Gap in Christ Church; and 

    3. The Scotland District Conservation Area. 

For more details on the Special Development Areas Act please refer to CAP 237A- Special development Areas Act

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