Terra Caribbean - Blog

Greetings From My Desk

Wednesday, April 08, 2020 | By Susan Armfield
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It’s day 5 of the 24-hr curfew and I feel as though the world is now rotating at a quarter of her normal speed and the stillness all around asks “is creation is holding its breath."   But:

  • The sun rises
  • Flowers bloom
  • My kitten torments me with his varying menu requirements
  • Full moon soon

Etc etc. so I know I’ve not been transported to another world – Phew!

I miss seeing my Sales Team buddies, my clients and connections, tearing around the Island, photographing and detailing properties large and small, hearing the stories of owners and landlords, sharing their concerns and aims – working out solutions together.

But you know what?  I’m one lucky lady because I can work remotely, I have a garden and shared street I can walk through  ‘tho it reminds me of that nursery rhyme … “round and round the garden … “   I have a hubby and neighbours I can chat with from a distance and a sense that all will be well… eventually.   There’s much to be done.  Opportunities to share, encouragement to give, matters to move forward. You may discern from my ramblings that I’m not a great friend of routine but a little structure is essential.  As one coach put it take your MEDS. i.e.

  • Meditate or pray
  • Exercise – however, you want to or can
  • Diet – avoid eating for entertainment or as an uncle put it “digging your grave with your teeth”
  • Sleep – rejuvenate and recharge to have a motivated tomorrow.

“The best to make your dreams come true is to wake up” Muhammad Ali

Don’t seize up!  Breathe, get up, get dressed, get going!   People have more time and are more receptive to have a chat, WhatsApp or Zoom Meeting than ever.  Stay connected to your clients and social contacts, it’s rewarding, enjoyable, constructive and … NORMAL.  A simple “hello and how are you coping?” can be the start of a great conversation and emerging opportunities.   90% of us are social creatures and thrive on the energy and stimulation of human interaction.

It’s a phase where many service providers in the real estate industry are less pressured and still working remotely;  hence a great time to quiz your Agent, browse property ‘sites and speak to your Lender. There will be difficult times ahead but with these come new opportunities.  Keep going and be ready to come out of the starting blocks with #1 on your back.  

Until then comply, stay safe … and did I say call me – I’m virtually next door and up for a chat!

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