Terra Caribbean - Blog

Our New Virtual Reality

Friday, July 17, 2020 | By Annalisa Sealy-Graham, Real Estate Agent
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On March 28th 2020 we were all given the mandate to stay at home. Many businesses closed their physical doors and opened for business virtually.Many who did not have access to websites or the ability to facilitate online shopping quickly reassessed their situation to fall in line with the new virtual reality.

As Real Estate Agents we already had the ability to work remotely as we spend many days in our vehicles moving from appointment to appointment.  There is the occasional stop at a coffee shop to refuel for the next appointment or to service potential clients we may run into from time to time. 

Many of us have already adopted the method of showcasing your homes via a quick video snippet, teasers or full video via our social media channels as another way of introducing clients to your property.  However, with a full curfew in place this trend became a valuable tool for us to continue with business UN-usual!

With the lockdown in place, clients were now at home, some with time on their hands. Those who were previously too busy to set an appointment to view a property now had the ability to view a property all day from the comfort of their homes. They could stop and rewind, hit pause and replay to their hearts desire! Having a video on hand made the world of difference until we were allowed to physically show properties again.

A number of protocols have now been implemented for property viewings, in order to protect both our owners and purchasers. The option of a virtual tour allows clients to have a more realistic and descriptive view of the property.  Often times it evokes a connection with the property in advance of a physical visit and clients are able to quickly decide whether they want to move forward with the process.

An owner may ask, what is the benefit of showcasing my home via video for the world to see?  Here are a few thoughts below:

- Technically, it is quite similar to using photos to advertise your property

- Clients are attracted to the idea of virtually connecting with properties beforehand

- It can be easily marketed on all social media platforms

- It can help eliminate some of the foot traffic through your home during these uncertain times

As many businesses have evolved to an online platform over the last few months, so too have potential buyers in the way they carry out their property search.  Please note it is absolutely still advised to physically view a property before submitting an offer. For this, you can give me call to arrange a viewing on your behalf!

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