Embracing Energy Efficiency: A Facility Management Perspective

The looming effects of climate change and resource depletion, coupled with rapid technological advances have highlighted the need for energy efficiency. Over time we have seen residential and commercial properties making the switch to enable a more sustainable future. In our Facility Management practice, we have implemented different initiatives, particularly the use of LED Energy Star-rated products, which has resulted in annual savings for property owners.
Across our residential and commercial property portfolio, common area lighting is generally on for much longer periods, and with the switch to energy saving devices over the past two (2) years, some of the immediate benefits have been:
As an example, one of our properties previously carried eighty-three (83) incandescent bulbs and an annual common area electricity bill of BBD$16,000. After implementing the energy initiatives outlined below we were able to reduce the bill to BBD$13,000 within a year. In this instance while BBD$4,000 was required to effect the necessary changes, based on the savings and other benefits illustrated, the switch was a good return on the initial investment,and we anticipate that additional savings will be seen in the months and years ahead.
Across our residential and commercial portfolios, facility management is aiming to reduce our carbon emission footprint by 50% over the next two (2) years as part of our environmental sustainability efforts. As such, we have equally embraced other energy conservation initiatives inclusive of timeclocks, dimmer switches, and motion sensors. The use of timeclocks has facilitated the creation of schedules for the internal and external lighting that aligns with sunset and sunrise to ensure optimal energy utilization. The installation of dimmer switches and motion sensors will equally contribute to less power consumption, extend the lifespan of LED lights due to lower brightness levels, and provide increased safety, security, and controllability.
Whether you own a residential or commercial property - if you haven’t made the switch to energy efficiency now is the time to contribute to a greener future.